Monday, October 27, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Freezer meals galore!

Saturday was our 3rd attempt at efficient freezer meal productivity.  I prepped as many ingredients as possible beforehand making our day Saturday quick and doable.

 The following RECIPE OVERVIEW includes ingredients and directions for five families (2 adults each) - resulting in 22 meals each, with 6 of those big enough for a second meal or a healthy amount of lunchtime leftovers.  All of our recipes are from our families favorites.  Multiplying the ingredients and prepping is the hardest part.  I'm hoping that this one will have worked well for everyone and we can repeat it next quarter.

I honestly got most of the meat at Albertsons.  They've had chicken breasts for 1.99 lb and pork steaks and pot roasts for 2.99 lb.  I was thrilled to find a large boneless ham at URM Cash and Carry for 2.37 lb and a 5 lb roll of sausage for under $3 lb.  I always buy my ground turkey at Costco.  I figured each families expense was just under $100.  We use my spices, etc.

One big improvement this time was to write the cooking and serving directions right on the bag.  Got the idea from here:

Breakfast Casserole          
BROWN         5 lbs sausage, divide into bags (1 c. each)
CHOP       spinach (1/2 c. each bag)  MIX    (in gallon pitcher) 10 c. water and 3 1/3 c. dry milk – ½ c. in each bag
MIX                30 eggs plus 2 T. ground mustard, 1 T. salt, 2 t. pepper, /10 and add to bag
SHRED           20 c. cooked, shredded potatoes – 2 c. per bag  (can buy dehydrated potatoes and rehydrate to cut time)
CHOP             2 ½ red peppers (1/4 c. each bag) & 1 ½ bunch green onions – ½ T per bag
ADD                1 c. shredded cheese to each bag
POUR              egg mixture over potatoes/sausage

10 gallon sized bags
Thaw, bake 350 for 60 minutes, let stand 10 min.  serve w/ salsa

Chicken Pot Pie                                  
80 oz. froz mixed veggies – 1 c. each bag
COOK & CHUNK      10-12 chicken breasts – 2 c. per bag
2 cans (26 oz) cream of chicken soup – ½ c. in each bag
½ c. milk in each bag
5 c. baking mix  (separate bag ½ c. each – tape to front of bag)

10 gallon sized bags
combine baking mix with 1/2 c. milk and ¼ c. melted margarine
8” greased pan
put thawed mixture in pan, pour baking mixture over chicken/veggies
bake 350 for 35-45 min

Combine 1 ½ c. bbq sauce and 1 1/2 c. grape jelly for each bag.  Pour over 40  meatballs.
5 gallon sized bags.  Crock pot low all day.
Serve over rice

White Chicken Chili           
160 oz. navy beans, drained  4 c. in each bag
80 oz. crushed tomatoes – 2 c. in each bag
20 oz. green chiles, 1/2 c. in each bag
5 16 oz. cans corn – 1 in each bag
CHOP   2 ½ onions – 1/3 c. in each bag
MIX      white chili seasoning – 1 T. per bag
10 breasts, frozen   - 2 in each bag
5 gallon sized bags    crock pot all day, shred chicken.  Garnish with sour cream and cilantro          

Potato Casserole                               
20 c. cooked, shredded potatoes – 3 c. in each bag
4 c. shredded cheese – 1/3 c. in each bag
3 cubes margarine, melted
2.5 (26 oz.) cream of chicken soup
3 lb sour cream   
CHOP             1 ½ bunches green onions
COMBINE     4 ingredients, divide and pour in each bag
10 gallon sized bags
thaw, bake 350 for 30 min. or until bubbly
May add bacon bits, crushed corn flakes or crackers, more cheese to top  

COOK             full bag of lasagna noodles (bulk section)
2 #10 cans of tomato sauce (slight on 2nd)
BROWN         6 lbs ground turkey, add 3 onions, diced
ADD                  meat mixture to sauce and 4 T. chili pwd, 4 T. spaghetti seas mix, 1 T. thyme & basil, 1 t. garlic powder, 1 t. pepper and 1 t. salt. Simmer 60 min.
6 lbs cottage cheese
5 lbs shredded mozzarella cheese
10 8” sq foil pans        
spray pan and cover bottom with sauce
LAYER            noodles, cottage cheese, sauce, cheese (rpt)
Thaw, Bake 350 for 60 min. or until bubbly      

Pasta Shells                                
96 oz spaghetti sauce – 1 ½  c. per bag                                                         
    30 oz jumbo shells6 lbs cottage cheese
7.5 c. shredded mozzarella cheese
10 eggs  3 c. grated parmesan cheese
MIX   cheeses, eggs,4 t. oregano, 2 ½  t salt, 2 ½  t pepper
stuff shells with filling in gallon size bag (snip corner),
DIVIDE          9-12 shells into each bag
10 gallon sized bags, THAW Bake 350 for 30 min. 8 “ greased pan,                  
15 c. soft bread crumbs   -1 ½ c. in bag                      
MIX                7 ½ c. water w/ 2 ½ c. dry milk, pour ¾ c. over bread
ADD               15 lbs hamburger, thawed – 3 c. (1.5 lb) per bag
CHOP            3 ½ onions -1/4 c. per bag
SHRED           10 carrots  - 1/3 c. per bag
ADD               20 eggs  -2 in each bag (or 1 xlg egg)
SQUISH         until combined
10 gallon sized bags  - combine ¼ c. ketchup, 3 T. brown sugar, 2 T. mustard
Spread over meatloaf.  Crock pot low all day.  Remove from liquid and serve                                             

Pot Roast                             
Roast in bag
ADD   4 medium potatoes, 4 carrots (halved), 1 onion, qtr and
2 stalks of celery, chunked
MIX     3 T. onion soup mix with 1 c. hot water and pour over
5 gallon sized bags
Crock pot low all day

Ham   chunk ham into 5 sections, slice with meat cutter and put into 15 qt sized bags – cut chunk in ½ is easier to slice

Chicken spaghetti                 
Each bag:                 
1 can cream of mushroom soup, 4 oz velveeta
¼  c. diced pimento
¼ c. finely diced onion
¼ c. finely diced green pepper, ½ t seasoning salt, pepper to taste
1 c. chicken broth, ⅛ t cayenne pepper
2 frozen chicken breasts
5 gallon sized bags.  Slow cook low all day.  Remove and shred chicken. Serve over cooked spaghetti noodles

Salsa Verde Pork Roast
Each bag:
2-3 lb pork loin roast
2 c. salsa verde
1 onion, quartered
5 gallon sized bags.  Slow cook all day.  Remove and shred pork.  Serve as tacos or over rice with toppings.

Sweet & Sour Pork, Russian Chicken, BBQ Pork Steaks   - I quickly bagged these when I brought the meat home from the store.  I will email normal recipes if requested.  Most of these recipes are in my Facebook Album -

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Gratitude Challenge

In the spirit of this month's Ice Bucket Challenge (fundraiser for ALS - August 2014), I was also challenged to post 3 things for  5 days for which I'm grateful.

I'm going to do it all at once in the order I think of them:

1.  My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - I can't imagine life without His redemption, companionship, encouragement

2.  My husband Fred - 30 years we celebrate in December of this year.  We've endured a lot, learned a lot, enjoyed a lot, dreamed a lot and anticipated a lot.  A lot is still to come :-)

3.  My three kids - I've learned so much from them!  Patience is the first thing I think of and unconditional love is the second.

4.  The little people in my life!  12 youngsters call me Auntie Karla and 1 little one calls me Gamma and it brings me joy!

5.  My Creative Memories business.  From 1999-2013 it provided me so much!  Completed albums, lifelong relationships, opportunity to learn and grow and experience many things and places!

6.  My Wenatchee friends  - I lived there a long time. So much water under the bridge.  I miss you!

7.  New friends - it takes time and effort but the Lord is providing the opportunity.

8.  My siblings and their spouses - the connection runs deep

9.  My adult nieces, nephews and cousins.  Family is the best!  My heart and soul are invested in each one.

10.  The opportunity to spend time with the girls and fellow teachers in our children's church program.  They make me smile, laugh and remember how simple the good news of Jesus really is!!

11.  Reading.  I love the chance to enjoy a good book with a cup of coffee.  I'm thoroughly enjoying the AD Chronicles by the Thoene's.

12.  Making things with my hands.  In the kitchen and my craft room.  I'm not the best but I can get it done and I enjoy the process as much as the end result.

13.  Life's challenges.  It makes me lean harder on my Creator, Sustainer, Faithful Savior.

14.  Prayer - it blesses my soul and gives me an avenue to help others.

15.  All the other joys and blessings that my life and each day brings my way that I didn't think to include.

Run With Perseverance

These verses have been my steady friend this summer!!  I was reminded of them during our "Restless" book study and have continued to use them for prayer requests and a reminder of how to live the Christian walk.  The part that came clear to me is that there is a "race marked out for me", a "race marked out for you" that God has planned for you and me to run, with perseverance, with our eyes fixed on Jesus.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

No Greater Joy

3John 4 I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

John’s greatest joy was to hear of the faithfulness of his spiritual children. Even when life brought many challenges and difficulties, he knew what was the most important thing in life. He had been raising spiritual children for most of his life and they were what brought him joy.

I heard a new friend say last night, "my one regret in life is that I did not stay in the church during all my child-rearing years."  

Our God-given mission: know Jesus and make Him known 

Friday, August 22, 2014


Does doubt ever creep in and cripple you?

Do past failures keep you from true intimacy in relationship?

Recently, I've been struggling with an issue from our past.  To overcome I'm practicing something I learned years ago and finding victory in an ancient truth.  Jesus found the same victory in Matthew 4 when the tempter came to Him.  He quoted Scripture, Truth, God's Words and the devil had to leave.

Peter tells us this is I Peter 5:9, "Resist your enemy the devil, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of suffering." 

The way I'm tempted is the same as others and the Lord's way out is to quote Scripture - speak God's Truth on the issue.  Paul counseled the Corinthians to do this in 1 Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

SO, TODAY, I CLAIM GOD'S TRUTH from I Corinthians 13......

"Love always trusts,  love always perseveres, love always endures, it keeps no record of wrongs."

Thank you Lord for victory!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Mine are unrealistic, burdensome, crippling for others, myself and relationships. 

Lord, help me to find in your Word the truth I need to remove, curb, redeem my expectations. 

My Uncle Dale Galloway, author and pastor gave me this quote, "The seed of discontent is found in expectations."

Saturday, July 26, 2014

I'm Letting Go....

For 25 years I have held onto the belief that God did not cause my brother's drowning.  I have dug my heels in and resisted any study, reading, teaching that might suggest otherwise.

In a current book study, "Restless", by Jennie Allen, the story of Joseph is highlighted.  A particular portion of his story that I can't let go is in Genesis 50: 19-21.  "But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid.  Am I in the place of God?  You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.  So then, don't be afraid.  I will provide for you and your children.  And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them." (For the story of his brothers harm see his whole story starting in Genesis 36.)

God intended the pain in Joseph's life for the saving of many lives.  Joseph believed that God had caused the pain.

"Lord, today, I trust that you caused the pain in my life for the saving of mine and many other lives.  I'm willing to LAY DOWN my 25 yr. old, firmly held, anchored belief that you DID NOT cause my brother's drowning.  Instead, I trust you.  I trust your omniscience.  I trust your omnipotence.  I trust your omnipresence and I trust your sovereignty.

Thank you for your patience with me -- your persistence in gracefully bringing me to this day and your tenacity in never leaving me alone but instead teaching me to know, trust and love you more.

My restless soul finds rest in you."

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

So stinkin' cute!!

Look at her!! Can you believe it? Don't you want some of this? I am so privileged, excited and thrilled to be a Gamma!!  Three weeks old in this photo.
Ember Sue White born June 8, 4:06am. I was also privileged to be present for labor and delivery. That was an experience beyond description. I totally enjoyed it. She was 7 lbs 10 oz and 20" long. Papa was on hand for the official measurement. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Jaclyn's Wedding

For over a year my 25 yr. old daughter Jaclyn and I have been planning her wedding.  Sunday was absolutely a beautiful day and everything worked as she had hoped.  Praise God!  Here are a few candid photos.  Tina & Bryce from T3 Photography did a fabulous job and Tyler & Brie at Still Water Hollow were great to work with!



 My niece Holly was in all three of our kids weddings.

Our daughter Michelle and husband Josh - our first grandchild is due tomorrow!!

 Our son Kurt and wife Justina
  Jaclyn with cousins Kimi & Jamie

Dancing with Carter

For the first of the professional photos go to: 




Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Who Is In Your Driver's Seat?

On Easter Sunday 2013, we attended Grace City Church in Wenatchee, WA.

Pastor Josh preached about the sin-restraining and mission-fueling power available to everyone who believes in the Resurrection Power demonstrated and offered through Jesus Christ.

He used this You Tube video to emphasize his point.  Jeff Gordon Test Drive

Do I live like I know the driver?

When we know the driver, we want to ride!!  Summon the courage to say yes (!) to the present risen-ness of Christ and contemplate how it would change your daily life.

 Ephesians 1:19-23  "...his incomparably great power for us who believe.  That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.  God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way."

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Bless this Mess

and, boy, did we have a mess yesterday!!  Communication is not one of our marriage's strengths.  A few words said in a way, undecipherable by the other, can start us on a spiral of hurt, blaming and distrust.  I heard recently that you should marry the man or woman who you will enjoy "making up" with :-).  I do choose to MAKE UP with Fred.  All is well and I choose to not bring up the past anymore - it hurts the present and wounds the future!

Anyway, our pastor has started a new series called, "BLESS THIS MESS", teaching men and women to love and lead each other and their families to be devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Here's some highlights from the first week:
1) Do you have an attitude or gratitude?
    Psalm 100:4-5,  Thank first vs. tank  "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."
2)  There is a reward for all who run the race.  Luke 6:45 "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart.  For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."
Play The Gratitude Game - toss a toy to a family member and say something you're thankful for - speak a blessing over that person.  What gets rewarded gets repeated.
3)  Gratitude begins where my sense of entitlement ends.  Philippians 2:3-4, 5-7  "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.  Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness."  Where entitlement is high, gratitude is low.
4)  Grateful people can find a blessing, enlarge a blessing or create a blessing ..... in almost any situation.  Ungrateful people can find a burden, enlarge a burden or create a burden ..... in almost any situation. 
5) Do you feel burdened or blessed?  I Chronicles 4:10 " Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, 'Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory!  Let your hand be with me, and keep me from hard so that I will be free from pain.'  And God granted his request."
  The result of this prayer is changed lives or missed opportunity; changed lives or comfortable lives.